You're Breaking My Heart

You're Breaking My Heart

Sale Price:$17.99 Original Price:$19.99

Harriet Adu knows that her brother’s death is her fault. I mean, it’s not actually her fault, but it still kinda is, isn’t it?

She would do anything to live in a world where she could take back what she said that morning.

Then a strange girl shows up at Harriet’s high school – a girl who loves the same weird books Harriet does, who doesn’t vibe with anyone at school the same way Harriet does – and that different world suddenly seems possible. The girl speaks of a place underneath the subways of New York, where people like them can go and find a home. A place away from the world of high school, grief, cool people, and depression. A place where one may be able to bend the lines of reality and get a second chance at being a better person.

Will Harriet open the door?

With You’re Breaking My Heart, award-winning author Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich offers a remarkable speculative novel that will hit home for anyone who yearns for that one chance to do things over.


“In this moving work, Rhuday-Perkovich has created characters whose internal struggles are palpable and an intriguing narrative with both tension and introspection that delves into themes of guilt, redemption, and the possibility of second chances.”
–Horn Book

“Her world is recognizable and utterly believable, but there’s a hint of the strange and fantastic shimmering at its edges that will pull readers onward as they try to figure out what’s really happening to Harriet, and whether reality is something that can—or should—be changed.​"

“Powerful and moving.”
–Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

“Raw, intense, and utterly unique exploration of grief and guilt.”

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Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich is the award-winning author of several books for children, including Operation Sisterhood, It Doesn’t Take a Genius, and Two Naomis (as co-author). She is a member of the Brown Bookshelf, and editor of the We Need Diverse Books anthology The Hero Next Door. Olugbemisola lives with her family in NYC where she writes, makes things, and needs to get more sleep.

Please visit her on IG @olugbemisolarhudayperkovich and at

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