Donna Barba Higuera

Donna Barba Higuera

Donna grew up in central California surrounded by agricultural and oil fields. As a child, rather than dealing with the regular dust devils, she preferred spending recess squirreled away in the janitor’s closet with a good book. Her favorite hobbies were calling dial-a-story over and over again, and sneaking into a restricted cemetery to weave her own spooky tales using the crumbling headstones as inspiration. 

Donna's Young Adult and Middle Grade books feature characters drawn into creepy, situations, melding history, folklore, and or her own life experience into reinvented storylines. She still dreams in Spanglish.

Donna lives in Washington State with her family, three dogs and two frogs. Donna's backyard is a haunted 19th century logging camp. (The haunted part may or may not be true—she makes stuff up.) She is a Critique-Group-Coordinator for SCBWI-Western Washington and teaches “The Hero’s Journey for Young Authors” to future writers.

Follow Donna on Twitter at @dbhiguera.

Donna Barba Higuera creció evitando los molestos polvos de los campos de petróleo del centro de California. Ha pasado toda su vida mezclando fábulas con sus experiencias para crear historias que llenan su imaginación. Ahora las combina escribiendo libros para niños y jóvenes. Finalmente, Donna cambió el polvo del centro de California por las nieblas del noreste del Pacífico. Ella vive allí con su esposo, cuatro hijos, tres perros y dos ranas.

Books by Donna Barba Higuera: